At my last job, there was a nice lady in accounting. She had done a favor for her sister the weekend past. So, her sister sent her a dozen roses the next week as an act of appreciation. They were at peak bloom, sitting on her desk, in a pretty vase.
Later that same afternoon before she could even get the flowers home, she noticed that one of the roses was missing when returned to her desk after lunch. Who would steal a rose from a person’s desk? To further insult, the inconsiderate thief cut the stem and left it in her garbage can.
At my job before last, it was decided that our department would forgo the regular Christmas gift exchange and instead, donate old clothes to a local homeless shelter during the holiday season.
The office manager and organizer was a socially inept person. For example, she would freely sample your lunch with her uninvited and unwashed fingers. She once dried her wet socks in the microwave. (Upon this discovery, the department wise guy entered the kitchen and asked, “Who’s cooking soup, so early?”). She also generally conversed in grunts, moans, and sighs.
Anyway, this office manager was responsible for collecting, sorting, and bagging the department’s donation. It was during this process, that she admired a colleague’s donated sweater. “This is nice!, “ she proclaimed as she carefully folded it before taking to her office for safekeeping. We were all appalled that someone with a decent salary would STEAL A CHRISTMAS DONATION meant for the homeless.
Not willing to let it go, an angry co-worker, who specialized in pettiness, took a pair of scissors to the sweater while the office manager was at lunch. Unfazed or unaware, the sweater, complete with six inch slash across the spine was a regular part of our office manager’s wardrobe for the next few years.